Project Page

Welcome to the projects page! Here is where all of the interesting stuff takes place! Below you will find a description of our current projects and links to their github repositories. Enjoy!

Completed Projects

Mark My Words

Mark My Words was the club’s submission to the 2017 Open Jam game programming competition. In the game, you design the symbols used by a civilization to communicate.

Club members collaborated over a fun-filled weekend to produce art, music, story, and code for the game.

Project Lead: Nobody (Egalitarian)
Source Code | Page

Projects Underway

Geeks and Gadgets Digital Library

Geeks and Gadgets has started hosting and maintaining a digital library full of books available in the public domain. These books range in category from stuff useful to computer science majors to the classics like Shakespeare! As support for the library grows, so will the library!

Project Lead: Brandon Duke

M.A.T.T (Mechanical Autonomous Treaded Tank)

M.A.T.T is a self driving robot built on an Arduino platform. M.A.T.T is constructed out of aluminium, rubber, and reinforced cardboard. He is capable of driving around a room and avoiding obstacles without any human intervention.

Project Lead: Patrick Shinn
Source Code | Images

Linux From Scratch (LFS)

Starting in the Fall semester of 2016, the geeks will begin working on a simple LFS system that will probably start out as 32bit, but may progress to 64bit eventually given enough free time.

Project Lead: Joint Effort
Source Code