Get in Touch with the Geeks!

You can reach us in a variety of ways!
Facebook: @MUGeeksClub
GitHub: @MUGeeksandGadgets
YouTube: Marshall Geeks

Or visit us at one of our weekly meetings!

Interested in Joining?

Geeks and Gadgets is open to anyone with an interest in technology, even if your major is not one that is directly related to technology in any way. Graphic design, journalism, education, etc. majors all have something to gain and add to Geeks and Gadgets. If you are interested in joining, please click the join link below and the application will pop up. Once finished, just email the application to the address provided on it and we will send you a conformation email letting you know that you are one of the geeks!

Want to be a member of Geeks and Gadgets? Sign up Here!